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Create React Application Example

The source code of this example can be found in the jupyter-react-cra-example repository.


Setup your development environment.

Create a Project

Create a WEB application skeleton based on create-react-app.

npx create-react-app jupyter-react-cra-example -y --template typescript && \
  cd jupyter-react-cra-example


We need coherent React.js versions otherwise you may hit the Invalid Hook Call Warning with mismatching versions of React and React DOM as documented on this page. JupyerLab is actively developed and we are tracking the latest (pre-)releases as closely as possible.

Therefor, we ask to pin the yarn resolutions. Add this block in your package.json.

Startup Scripts

You will need a Jupyter server up-and-running. We ship the configuration and scripts in the jupyter-react-cra-example repository. Copy from that repository the dev folder in your project. This will provide you with the correct Jupyter server configuration and with the content folder that contains the ping.ipynb notebook as other example notebooks.

Now add in your package.json the needed scripts and development dependencies.

  "scripts": {
    "start": "run-p -c start:*",
    "start:jupyter": "./dev/sh/",
    "start:react": "react-scripts start",
    "kill": "./dev/sh/"
  "devDependencies": {
    "npm-run-all": "4.1.5",
    "buffer": "6.0.3"

The need for buffer may be removed depending on upstream JupyterLab evolution.


Add Jupyter React in package.json.

  "dependencies": {
    "@datalayer/jupyter-react": "0.5.1",

Time to install the dependencies (this will take time).

yarn install


You need to add in the <head/> section of public/index.html the metadata to indicate where you Jupyter server is running, as the require javascript.

    <script id="datalayer-config-data" type="application/json">
        "jupyterServerUrl": "",
        "jupyterServerToken": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6"
    <script src=""></script>

Dot Env

It looks like the create-react-app version 5 does not like sourcemaps pointing to non existing source code. To avoid error messages, please create a .env file at the top of your folder/repositoriy and add there GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false.

// .env


Update src/App.tsx to import the Jupyter and Notebook component and change the App like this.

// App.tsx
import { Notebook, Jupyter } from "@datalayer/jupyter-react";

function App() {
  return (
      <Notebook path="ping.ipynb" />

export default App;

Strict Mode

We don't support yet React Strict Mode (can be useful in development mode). Please remove any reference of StrictMode in the ./src/index.tsx file, your call to render should look like this.

// index.tsx
  <App />


Finally we get there!

Let's get started and enjoy a Notebook in React.js.

echo open http://localhost:3000
yarn start

Run yarn kill before restarting as CTRL-C may leave ghost servers.