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Jupyter Server

To connect to a Jupyter Server, you have to define the URL for HTTP and WebSocket, as the token.

Those properties can be provided in the Jupyter Context or by setting them in the host HTML (index.html) a script tag in the head section.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script id="datalayer-config-data" type="application/json">
"jupyterServerUrl": "http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server",
"jupyterServerToken": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6"

The values defined in the host HTML are taking precedence on the values set in the Jupyter context.

"jupyterServerUrl": "http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server"
"jupyterServerToken": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6"

If you are delivering the React.js web application from a different URL than your Jupyter Server, the Jupyter Server should be configured to accept Cross-origin request with for example in the the following traits.


Please tune the following example to fit your security requirements, this is in no way production-ready configuration.

Use the following at your own risk!

# Authentication

c.IdentityProvider.token = '60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6'

# Security

c.ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf = False
# ORIGIN = 'http://localhost:3208'
# c.ServerApp.allow_origin = ORIGIN # Best to restrict the ORIGIN
c.ServerApp.allow_origin_pat = '.*'
c.ServerApp.allow_credentials = True
c.ServerApp.tornado_settings = {
'headers': {
# 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': ORIGIN, # Best to restrict the ORIGIN
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Authorization, Cache-Control, Connection, Content-Type, Host, Origin, Pragma, Referer, sec-ch-ua, sec-ch-ua-mobile, sec-ch-ua-platform, Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, Upgrade, User-Agent, X-XSRFToken, X-Datalayer, Expires',
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
'Content-Security-Policy': f"frame-ancestors 'self' {ORIGIN} ",
'cookie_options': {
'SameSite': 'None',
'Secure': True
c.IdentityProvider.cookie_options = {
"SameSite": "None",
"Secure": True,