Jupyter Server
To connect to a Jupyter Server, you have to define the URL for the Jupyter Server
as well as a the Jupyter Token
Assuming you have Jupyter Server correctly installed on your machine, you can run your local server with the following command.
# This will start a Jupyter Server and a Webpack Server.
# open http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server?token=60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6
# open http://localhost:3208
cd packages/react
npm run start-local
The Jupyter Server and the Jupyter Token can be provided in the Jupyter Context
const NotebookLocalJupyter = () => (
height="calc(100vh - 250px)" // (Height - Toolbar Height).
Alternatively, you can to define a script
tag in the head section your host index HTML page information for your React applicatio with those 2 configurations (see for example the content of this index-local.html).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script id="datalayer-config-data" type="application/json">
"jupyterServerUrl": "http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server",
"jupyterServerToken": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6"
Optionally, you can use the JupyterReactTheme component
const NotebookLocalJupyter = () => {
jupyterServerUrl: "http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server",
jupyterServerToken: "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6",
return (
If you are also using a jupyter-config-data
, ensure you set the correct values over there.
<script id="jupyter-config-data" type="application/json">
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server",
"wsUrl": "ws://localhost:8686/api/jupyter-server",
"token": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6"
The values defined in the Jupyter context are taking precedence on the values set in the host HTML.
If you are delivering the React.js web application from a different URL than your Jupyter Server, the Jupyter Server should be configured to accept Cross-origin request with for example in the jupyter_server_config.py
the following traits.
Please tune the following example to fit your security requirements, this is in no way production-ready configuration.
⚠️ Use the following at your own risk!.
# Authentication
c.IdentityProvider.token = '60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6'
# Security
c.ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf = False
# ORIGIN = 'http://localhost:3208'
# c.ServerApp.allow_origin = ORIGIN # Best to restrict the ORIGIN
c.ServerApp.allow_origin_pat = '.*'
c.ServerApp.allow_credentials = True
c.ServerApp.tornado_settings = {
'headers': {
# 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': ORIGIN, # Best to restrict the ORIGIN
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Authorization, Cache-Control, Connection, Content-Type, Host, Origin, Pragma, Referer, sec-ch-ua, sec-ch-ua-mobile, sec-ch-ua-platform, Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, Upgrade, User-Agent, X-XSRFToken, X-Datalayer, Expires',
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': 'true',
'Content-Security-Policy': f"frame-ancestors 'self' {ORIGIN} ",
'cookie_options': {
'SameSite': 'None',
'Secure': True
c.IdentityProvider.cookie_options = {
"SameSite": "None",
"Secure": True,
If you are using the JupyterLabApp component, additional information will be needed (see index-local.html)
<script id="jupyter-config-data" type="application/json">
"baseUrl": "https://oss.datalayer.run/api/jupyter-server",
"wsUrl": "wss://oss.datalayer.run/api/jupyter-server",
"token": "60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6",
"appUrl": "/lab",
"themesUrl": "/lab/api/themes",
"disableRTC": false,
"terminalsAvailable": "false",
"mathjaxUrl": "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js",
"mathjaxConfig": "TeX-AMS_CHTML-full,Safe"