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🪐 Notebook Component

The below picture is an example of Notebook into a React.js component.

Jupyter UI Notebook

In this first example, the Jupyter Server will be fetched for the test.ipynb notebook ipynb file content.

<Jupyter terminals={true} collaborative={true}>
<Notebook path="test.ipynb" />

Alternatively, you can get a notebook "ipynb" content from any JSON file compatible with the INotebookContent interface.

import { INotebookContent } from '@jupyterlab/nbformat';
import nbformat from "./NotebookExample.ipynb.json";

<Jupyter terminals={true} collaborative={true}>
<Notebook nbformat={nbformat as INotebookContent} />

The available properties for the Notebook component are listed on the TypeDoc page.

With a Jupyter server

<Notebook />

You can set the following props to connect it to a running Jupyter Server:

  • jupyterServerUrl: The server URL
  • jupyterServerToken: The server authentication token

Your server will likely to accept connections from external client.

With in-browser kernel

It supports in-browser kernel (using JupyterLite kernels).

To use the Pyodide Python kernel, you can simply set lite to true:

{/* Include a default content */}
cells: [
cell_type: 'code',
outputs: [],
"import micropip\nawait micropip.install('ipywidgets')",
cell_type: 'code',
outputs: [],
source: 'import ipywidgets as widgets\nw = widgets.IntSlider()\nw',
metadata: {
kernelspec: {
display_name: 'Python 3 (ipykernel)',
language: 'python',
name: 'python3',
nbformat: 4,
nbformat_minor: 5,